This post helps on How to download the Juniper Setup Client installer from an SA Series device and run the installation locally as a standalone application. The following information helps you to download the Juniper setup Client and install it locally. When a user signs in to the SA series device for the first time […]
Juniper Client
How to check all disabled interfaces at a time in Juniper console
When you have Juniper EX4500 switch with JunOS 11.4R1.6 and has 96 interfaces in total. Due to some tests which might involve in repeated enabling and disabling interfaces in different configurations can some times end up in some havoc. If you want to make sure whether you forgot to enable them or left them in […]
Juniper Networks released their third annual mobile threats report which says 92% of threats target Android
Juniper networks has released their third annual mobile threats report which says that Mobile malware is becoming “an increasingly profit-driven business,”Their report said that mobile malware across all mobile platforms grew 155% in 2011, while the figure increased to 614% by march 2013 and nearly 276,258 malicious apps are present. The exact figures might might […]
Juniper Load balancing in firewalls between SSG 20 and ADSL
In order to balance the load in juniper firewalls between SSG 20 and ADSL one can force one network say network A on trust to pass through ISP 1 with metric 1 and through ISP2 with metric 2 for fail over. Next the other network B on DMZ to pass through ISP 2 with metric […]
How to Configure Source Based Routing and Source Interface Based Routing
How to configure source-based and source interface based routing in Juniper networks is a burning question for many Juniper Clients so I collected a small tutorial from Junipers website and presented here. After adding source based and source interface based routes we need make sure that we have enabled source based or source interface based […]